Joanna / Poznań (Poland) / fixed gear

What does riding mean to you?
It’s hard to describe it in few sentences… Riding means freedom. Riding means independence. Riding saves time – you don’t stand in traffic jams or wait for late public transport. In a city you can get to anywhere, usually faster than by car. So even you’re late – you’re not. I ride all year round and I can’t understand why people give up in winter – you can warm up on a bike instead of freezing!
Thanks to cycling I’ve met a lot of wonderful and inspiring people and I’ve been in places where I couldn’t get in a different way than by bike. Riding gave me a sense of self-confidence and now I can’t imagine my life without riding. It’s just a part of me.

What is your favourite set up?
Fixed gear, my one and only set up. FG has been my first bike in adult life (since 2014) and till today I can’t convince myself to freewheel.
In my view, fixed gear seems to be the most universal set up. I use it for everyday commuting and long distance trips (over 250 km) as well.
I ride it on tracks and I even finished a duathlon race in Poznań as one of the fastest woman.

Do you think the environment is male dominated? If yes what are your thoughts about it?
I’d love to say no but there is still a lot to do. Many girls ride and do it very well but we are not taken seriously, methinks. Every cycling event I was at, there were just a few girls among a lot of guys. I’m lucky that most male riders from my surroundings are super cool and treat me fair but I heard many stories about unequal treatment of women in cycling – worse prizes for instance.
I think we – female riders – should keep together and show that WE ARE, we ride, we ride well and want to be taken seriously.

Any riding plans for the future?
This week I’m starting my holidays and I’m going to spend almost two weeks on my bike, all days long! I’m going on a trip around Poland and I’m considering taking a part in WroWelo Crit.

Ride like a girl is a series of interviews with WTF (women *trans femme) riders from around the world. If you would like to be contributed drop us an email.
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