First Cheesy cycling kit!

Finally we made it – the first ever Cheesy cycling kit!

Strength. Power. Endurance. Speed. These are the four pillars of cycling that constitute both the amateur and professional cycling. However, we care primarily about the fifth element: the intangible one, which is composed of the sound of humming wheels, yet-to-be-discovered roads, astounding views and new experiences. This is why we created the Cheesy Cycling Kit. It does not matter whether you race or get lost off-road; whether you care about Watts or views, because Cheesy Cycling Kit will always satisfy your needs. We know that, because we have tested it everywhere: in “combat” conditions, during easy rides and even in cyclocross. Cheesy Cycling Kit materializes what we value the most.

The 5th Element kit consists of jersey, bibs and socks and can be ordered here.

Design by Saiko Ikko.


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