Ride Like a Girl – Julia

Name: Julia Ida Pantkowska 

Location: Barcelona (I’m actually originally from Poland but grew up in the in Manchester UK I’ve been living in Spain for 3 years now. Right now in Barcelona)

Discipline: I really love cyclocross and gravel, currently you might spot me in the city with a Omnium cargo though. 

What does riding mean to you?

It’s another way of expressing myself, getting all my energy out and turning it into something positive. Not only it gives me freedom and confidence but makes me want to work on myself and constantly improve. 

I use my bike to commute and also I have a bike messaging company Early Bird Courier based in Barcelona so it’s a way of living. I’m a firm believer in green living and a practitioner of zero waste. I’m also a huge fan of bikepacking and going out into the forest, being in one with nature, as the city can be a busy place… 

I believe that riding is another form of art just like a painting. 

‌Riding my bike gives me motivation and happiness and I love it when you can share this with somebody else… 

What is your favourite set up?

Actually I have a couple of different bikes, at the moment I’m using Stevens Super Prestige Ultegra di2 with DT Swiss wheel, I also love using the Omnium Cargo Shimano XT – it is just incredible, can move mountains with this bike. Thanks Omnium for creating this beast.

Do you think the environment is male dominated?

Yes, I really think it is, this is the reason why I have decided to start my own messaging company with my boyfriend as the cycling world is so male-dominated. And this is one of the main reasons why I really want to make an impact within this industry. I believe that us girls we are strong and the world needs to know about i! We got this!

Any riding plans for the future?

Well there are so many that I have planned, however, I’m now concentrating on Early Bird Courier, it is something that I have put a lot of love and effort it. So, for now, we will stick with delivering in the city and supporting a small company. And of course, more bike packing trips in the near future.

Ride like a girl is a series of interviews with WTNB (women trans non-binary) riders from around the world. If you would like to be contributed drop us an email.