Ride Like a Girl – Zofia


Zofia Kowalczyk aka Zofix
Fixed gear

What does riding mean to you?

When I think of riding a bike, first things that come to my mind are: friends, freedom and commuting. I love the fact, that I met so many great people because of this little riding thing. I feel like I’m a part of a big family – and I’m not just talking about my closest friends, but all of peeps that ride. It’s that beautiful little thing about this kind of communities. I’m also (for now pretty shitty, but wait for it) a skateboarder and it’s the same thing – wherever you are, you’re part of it.

And freedom? Actually I don’t know how to explain this. It’s the feeling when it is just you and your bike – it could be in a crowded city, forest or while riding along beautiful beach – in the end it doesn’t matter. I have 4 loves of my life that gives me this feeling – fixed gear, snowboard, skateboard and analog photography. I can’t pick one, they’re very different, but when one of them is missing, I’m not 100% me.

What is your favourite set up?

My favourite set up is of course my current bike! I’m riding a custom Mielec frame with little lo-pro with carbon Aventon fork, Factory5 lattice chainring (fuckin’ love it), Omnium crank, H+Son Archetype rims, Miche Pista hubs, carbon riser, Cinelli Pista stem and my favourite Continental 4 season tires – they’re indestructible!

But if I could get whatever I want, I would definitely pick Cannondale Track frame from 1995’ or my best friend’s bike – he has black lo-pro, which looks like a devil and I love it with all my heart.

pic. Tomasz Seruga

Do you think the environment is male dominated?

Well…there are more men riding, but I don’t think it’s really dominated by them. Or maybe I should say – I don’t feel like I’m in a male dominated environment. That’s kinda natural that when there’s more men or women the atmosphere is not the same, but I never felt like an outsider because of my gender. Every year more and more girls starts to ride, build/fix their bikes or just get to know this culture. And I’m not talking about those girls from instagram pics that are just posing on fixed gears in short skirts, I’m talking about all girls that actually RIDE! 

Any riding plans for the future?

I don’t like making plans for things like that. All I want is to still have so much fun of riding my fixed gear. The best of my “bike memories” are the result of spontaneous decisions. So my only plan is to not have one and enjoy every second of it!

Ride like a girl is a series of interviews with WTF (women *trans femme) riders from around the world. If you would like to be contributed drop us an email.