Category: Bez kategorii

  • Ride Like a Girl – Jasmine

    Ride Like a Girl – Jasmine

    Name/location/discipline I’m Jasmine Naea, I live in LA, I ride and race road and fixed gear in crits. What does riding mean to you? Riding my bike means everything to me, it means freedom, it means power. The bike makes me feel in control and it makes me feel like I’m flying.  What is your…


  • Ride Like a Girl – Eva

    Ride Like a Girl – Eva

    Name: Eva RiebLocation: BerlinDiscipline: fixed gear / fixed freestyle What does riding mean to you? On the one hand, generally speaking, cycling through the streets is how freedom feels to me. The daily pattern is what keeps you running – somehow – but rather like a hamster in a running wheel. And when do you…


  • Ride Like a Girl – Dazie

    Ride Like a Girl – Dazie

    Name/location/discipline Dazie HoltBrooklyn New YorkRoad, Track/fixed crits, Gravel/off-road What does riding mean to you? Riding, to me and probably most people, is pure freedom. I come and go and do whatever I want as I please without waiting for other people or transportation schedules. I always joke that riding a bike to me is like when…


  • Ride Like a Girl – Milan

    Ride Like a Girl – Milan

    Name/location/discipline Name: Milana Barbosa Location: Seattle, Washington, USADiscipline: Courier/Cyclist/Prince What does riding mean to you? Riding a bicycle has many different meanings and definitions to me, like it’s my only way to get around beside public transportation. I enjoy traveling and using city transit, but being able to move freely and having the autonomy to…


  • Ride Like a Girl – Anny

    Ride Like a Girl – Anny

    Name/location/discipline Anny Vera, I’m from Santiago de Cali, Colombia. I’m urban cyclist, fixed gear racer, bike courier and pro bike activist. I breathe bicycle at all times of my life. What does riding mean to you? It is an indescribable freedom, it has changed my life completely.Riding a bicycle gives me power, desire, joy, I feel that…


  • Ride Like a Girl – Tina

    Ride Like a Girl – Tina

    Name/location/discipline Justyna John (but everyone says Tina). I live in Warsaw, Poland. I’m an editor of the 43ride bike magazine. I love downhill but sometimes I also like endure and dirt jumping. What does riding mean to you? Mountainbiking is my whole life except for work in government administration. It’s a way of spending free…


  • Back on Track

    Back on Track

    It does not matter if you just popped out for a weekend, head for a life journey, like riding a track bike or you are getting #backontrack after a difficult time in life. Just enjoy it. Design: Justyna Frąckiewicz  


  • Pierwszy kit Cheesy!

    Pierwszy kit Cheesy!

    W końcu się udało i mamy pierwszy kit! Siła. Moc. Wytrzymałość. Prędkość. To cztery filary kolarstwa. na których opiera się zawodowe i amatorskie współzawodnictwo. Nam jednak zależy na tym piątym, nieuchwytnym elemencie, na który składa się szum kół, nowe drogi, nowe widoki, nowe doświadczenia. To właśnie dlatego powstał Cheesy Cycling Kit, nieważne czy się ścigasz,…


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Antymateria Cheesy Cheesy Dwa Osiem HRD Katowice Mechanik Mechnik PNT


  1. amazing bag, amazing service. thank you so much = )

  2. Best color way. Superbly made. Thank you.