Ride Like a Girl – Jasmine


I’m Jasmine Naea, I live in LA, I ride and race road and fixed gear in crits.

What does riding mean to you?

Riding my bike means everything to me, it means freedom, it means power. The bike makes me feel in control and it makes me feel like I’m flying. 

What is your favourite set up?

Currently my favourite set up is my All-City Cosmic Stallion, it’s a 1x 11 speed. I use it for fun when I’m not racing, and for commuting.

Do you think the environment is male dominated? If yes what are your
thoughts about it?

The cycling community is totally male dominated. In some spaces or communities it’s an issue because gender equality is often overlooked. In our community we focus on inspiring new women to ride with us and become comfortable on the bike. I personally have never felt pushed out or discouraged by any men. I think that even men are aware that there is only a small amount of women and I feel they want that to change too. I believe in change, for equality, and not just in the bike scene/community. I believe as women, we have the power to control all aspects of our future if we work together. 

Any riding plans for the future?

The future seems so uncertain and I’m okay with that, I currently want to ride to my favourite mountain this weekend with a good friend. As for next year I’m praying for a full season to prove my abilities and upgrade my road category. But even if COVID prevents us from having another racing season, I’ll still commute and explore, with my favourite people.

Ride like a girl is a series of interviews with WTNB (women trans non-binary) riders from around the world. If you would like to be contributed drop us an email.